rmgr's wiki
XDG user directories - ArchWiki (wiki.archlinux.org)
How Core Git Developers Configure Git (blog.gitbutler.com)
Mealie.io (mealie.io)
bitbrain-beehave: 🐝 behavior tree AI for Godot Engine (github.com)
6502 SPI SD Card
GitHub - charmbracelet - soft-serve
GitHub - LambdaCalculus37 - piratebox
Tillitis Key - A USB Security key inspired by measured boot and DICE
Godot 4 - Tiled Dungeon Environment From Scratch - YouTube (www.youtube.com)
Game AI Pro (www.gameaipro.com)
Poly Pizza: Free 3D models for everyone (poly.pizza)
COGITO - Godot Asset Library (godotengine.org)
GitHub - barrier: Open-source KVM software (github.com)
Build Your Own Text Editor (viewsourcecode.org)
freemocap: Free Motion Capture for Everyone ?? (github.com)
BotBitz - Combat robot supplies
How To PLAN your Game as a Solo Developer - YouTube (youtu.be)
GitHub - VRVest
The AI of Creatures - Alan Zucconi (www.alanzucconi.com)
BenjaTK-Gaea: Procedural generation add-on for Godot 4. (github.com)
📂 GitHub - TokisanGames
Poly Haven (polyhaven.com)
FrathWiki (www.frathwiki.com)
Graphic Design for Software Engineers and Architects | by Anthony Hawkins | Better Programming (betterprogramming.pub)
Ploopy (ploopy.co)
GitHub - SirRamEsq-SmartShape2D: A 2D Terrain Tool for Godot
GitHub - HungryProton - scatter: Godot engine addon to randomly fill an area with props or other scenes (github.com)
Procedural Content Generation Wiki - Procedural Content Generation Wiki (pcg.wikidot.com)
Programming Language Design (proglangdesign.net)
GitHub - igor: Simple, distraction free personal assistant to keep you focused and smiling. (github.com)
KoBeWi-Metroidvania-System: General-purpose framework for creating metroidvania games in Godot. (github.com)
pacstall: An AUR-inspired package manager for Ubuntu (github.com)
Input Labs - Alpakka controller (inputlabs.io)
The Base Mesh | 100% Free CC0 Assets (www.thebasemesh.com)
Free Low Poly Forest - Download Free 3D model by purepoly [6dc8c85] - Sketchfab (sketchfab.com)
Nonsensical 2D - YouTube (www.youtube.com)
offpunk: An Offline-First browser for the smolnet
Zotero | Your personal research assistant (www.zotero.org)
TextEditors Wiki
The Book of Shaders (thebookofshaders.com)
Bevy roguelike tutorial + devlog part 3 - Action queue (maciejglowka.com)
Dungeon Game ~ Clarity Flowers (clarity.flowers)
potpourri | 6502 primer (wilsonminesco.com)
Rigify - Blender Manual
evolveduk - Sketchfab (sketchfab.com)
How To Design A Professional Steam Capsule That Grabs Attention (in less than 20 minutes) - YouTube (youtu.be)
Continuous immediate file sync with Rclone - blog.rymcg.tech (blog.rymcg.tech)
luxe engine | A lovingly crafted game engine (luxeengine.com)
DenUngeHerrHolm (denungeherrholm.smugmug.com)
A system to organise your life • Johnny.Decimal (johnnydecimal.com)
Damaged Earth Catalog (damaged.bleu255.com)
📂 whisper.cpp OpenAI's Whisper model in C
GB BASIC | Tony Wang (paladin-t.github.io)
GitHub - godot phantom-camera